Oh la la Pauline!
88' / Feature Documentary / 2015
It starts out like a fairy tale: there's a queen, a king and their beautiful children, Pauline, Anaïs and Guillaume.
But it's a bit more complicated, a little more funky than that. The king wears high heels, the queen's trying to make up for lost time and their heirs have become rebellious.
It's all gone haywire, Pauline makes her get away.
PARTNERS: CNC (avance sur recettes), Île-de France, Jour2Fête
THEATRE: Release date: dec. 23rd 2015
NON-COMMERCIAL DIFFUSION: Alliance Française Portugal, Alliance Française Hong-Kong
FESTIVALS : SPECIAL MENTION "QUEER ART" QUEER LISBOA, Cannes (Acid), Tous Écrans (Geneva), Festival dei Popoli (Italy), FIFFS (Morocco), Hong-Kong, French Film Festival (Portugal), Lama, Santo Domingo Outfest (Dominican Rep.), FFM (Marseille), Corsicadoc Ajaccio, Festival d'automne de Gardanne, Sarlat, Du grain à démoudre (Le Havre), Festival du Cinema Européen en Essonne (Cinessonne), Les Ecrans Documentaires (Arcueil), La Belle Jeunesse Documentaire (Pantin), festival Chéries-Chéris (LGBT Paris), Festival de films de femmes (Créteil)